Farwell, Carrie Fisher

The news today of the death of Carrie Fisher hit me particularly hard.  I think it’s because we grew up together – not that we knew each other, but to me she was THE character that defined THE movie franchise of my generation.  I went to the show a handful of times to enjoy the adventures of Luke, Hans, and Princess Leia.  5 years later the very first home video release of any Star Wars film came in May 1982 when 20th Century Fox Video released Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope on VHS, Betamax, LaserDisc, and CED VideoDisc.

Over time not only have media formats changed, but the way we consume media continues to evolve.  According to a recent survey from Hub Research more viewers are flocking online to find their favorite shows.  The survey, which questioned 1,200 US consumers aged 16-74 about their TV consumption habits, found that online sources are becoming the go-to destination for video viewing. When asked which is the main source for watching their favorite TV show, 53% of respondents said a set-top box – the pathway for live TV, DVR, and video-on-demand (VOD). While this remained the top source for consuming TV content, it’s down from 64% in 2014. On the other hand, online sources – such as Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime – grew from 31% to 40% over the same period.

Original content is paramount to online video success. Sixty-nine percent of respondents said that subscription-video-on-demand (SVOD) originals make them more likely to keep their video subscription.

Personalization and on-demand content is driving the way we purchase and view films and television, driven by our expectation of increasing convenience and time efficiency.  As Princess Leia said, “May the Force be with you.”