How did I get here?

That’s the question I have been thinking through today after I was asked to submit a speaking request form for a conference.  They wanted to know the range of topics I can speak on.  I thought it was as good a time as any to revisit my purpose for wanting to conduct research into the future of consumption in general and why post to a blog.

I’m looking to shed light on the future of consumption because I believe my insights will:

  1. Help businesses prepare and position themselves for the future.
  2. Educate and empower consumers to embrace the future of consumption with intention and awareness, and
  3. Inform policymakers and maybe influence policy.

I’m still forming my thesis, however in the evolving world of consumption, buyers and sellers still come together to exchange value, though the form of value exchange may look very different than traditional transactions.  The foundation for any value exchange between two partiers is trust, and trust is made up of identity and reputation.  The virtual communities and marketplaces are providing new ways of establishing reputation through observed behaviors, values, and skills reported to communities by influencers.

The lubricant of this evolving system of consumption is personal data – and this is what is very interesting to me.  While I have yet to articulate the questions I want to address, I know they revolve around personal data and the interplay of trust, privacy, reputation, and influence.

I invite to you reach out if you have insights or a perspective to share, if you would like to be interviewed as part of my research, or if you would like to collaborate on this project.